Sri Lanka fourth worst place for journalists' murders to go unsolved

 >d;lhka wdrlaId lsÍfuka f,dj y;rjk ;ekg Y%S ,xldj

—udOHfõ§ka wdrlaId lsÍfï lñgqj˜ ^CPJ& úiska ksl=;a fldg we;s kj;u jd¾;dj wkqj Y%S ,xldj ˜‍o~qjñka ñ§ isàfï˜‍ f,dal o¾Ylfha by< ia:dkhlg m;aj ;sfí'
tu jd¾;djg wkqj udOHfõ§ka >d;kh l,jqkag o~qjï ,nd fkd§u w;ska Y%S ,xldj y;rjeks ia:dkh .kS'

f,dalfha ish¨‍ rgj, isÿjk udOHfõ§ >d;khka —udOHfõ§ka wdrlaId lsÍfï lñgqj˜ ^CPJ& úiska mÍlaIdjg ,la lrk w;r 2013 isg 2014 olajdjQ jirl ld,hg wod< o;a; fuu kj;u jd¾;djg mdol ù we;'

ta wkqj" fï jif¾ —o~qjñka ñ§ isàfï o¾Ylh˜ ^Impunity Index& .Kkh lr we;af;a fï olajd úi÷ulg m;aj ke;s udOHfõ§ >d;k ixLHdj wod< rfÜ ck.ykfha m%;sY;hla f,i ie,lSfuks'o¾Ylhg wkqj tys by,skau isákafka brdlhhs'fidaud,shdj yd ms,smSkh ms

hï udOHfõ§ >d;khla iïnkaOfhka lsisfjla o~qjulg hg;a fldg ke;akï th —o~qjñka ñ§ isàfï o¾Ylh˜ i|yd i,ld nef,k w;r tjeks fkdúi÷Kq isÿùï myla fyda Bg jeä .Kkla we;s rgj,a o¾Ylhg we;=<;a flf¾'

— Y%S ,xldfõ mej;s hqoaOh wjika ù jir myla .;ù we;;a" md;khg ,laù we;s w;r ta msd;kh we;=¿ we;eï >d;khka miqmi rch iy yuqod ks,OdÍka isák njg iel lrkq ,nhs˜' hkqfjka jeäÿrg;a tys i|yka fõ'

2009 isg 2013 olajd w¨‍f;ka >d;k isoaëka jd¾;d fkdjqk o isÿj ;snQ udOHfõ§ka >d;kh lsÍï j,g j.lsjhq;a;ka fidhd o~qjï §u fjkqfjka Y%S ,xldj iy we*a.ksia:dkh lsisÿ mshjrla f.k ke;s njhs CPJ jd¾;dj u.ska fy


4th Sri Lanka

Though Sri Lanka's civil war ended nearly five years ago, the government of Mahinda Rajapaksa has shown no political will to address its record of perfect impunity in the nine murders of journalists that have taken place under his leadership, first as prime minister and then as president. Government and military officials are suspected to be behind several of the murders, including the 2009 assassination of prominent editor Lasantha Wikramatunga, known for his critical reporting, and the nearly 10-year-old shooting ofAiyathurai Nadesan, penname Nellai G. Nadesan, an award-winning journalist who was threatened before his death in response to his reporting about the army. Impunity in Sri Lanka is a major factor behind high numbers of journalists going into exile, according to CPJ research.


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